Sword Master Story coupon code & reroll guide: find out Sword Master Story coupon codes and reroll guide to redeem for gift packs without cheats
Sword Master Story Coupon Code: All Codes July 2022⇓
(Regular Updates on Sword Master Story Coupon Code: July 2022, 00:00 UTC). The total number of issued codes; +22. Active Valid codes: x7 Next new coupon code possible release date: This Week. Here’s the list of all new and active Sword Master Story coupon codes: –
Sword Master Story Coupon Codes 2022(New Working)⇓
- SUPERLK7 : Redeem this coupon code and get x700 rubies[Expires on July 15th, 2022]
- UPDATE2207 : Redeem this coupon code and get x REWARDS[Expires on July 14th, 2022]
- MAIN07TEN : Redeem this coupon code and get x REWARDS[Jiwol shared this code on July 9th, 2022. It expires on July 11th, 2022]
- SUMMER22 : Redeem this coupon code and get x500 Stamina (Valid until July 13th, 2022)
- SMS22QUIZ : Redeem this coupon code and get x300 Ruby (Valid until July 10th, 2022)
- FOURMILLION : Redeem this coupon code and get 2.5K rubies(Credit; Zero in comments, Valid until June 20th, 2022)
- Swordmaster – Redeem this coupon code and get X Rubies(Permanent code)
Expired Coupon Codes(Out of Date)⇓
- COLLABSOON4 : Redeem this coupon code and get x300 Ruby (Valid until April 28th, 2022, Credit; ReiMarisa in comments)
- MAINTEN318 : ReiMarisa shared this coupon code, redeem it and get 200 rubies (Expires on March 20th, 2022)
- AMETHYST22 : Redeem this coupon code and get 300 Ruby (Expires on March 25th, 2022, Credit; ReiMarisa in comments)
- EHTHAPPY2YRS : Redeem this coupon code and get rubies
- JOINTHEFIGHT : Someone shared this coupon code in the comments(Expires on February 18th, 2022)
- LETSWORK2112 : Someone shared this coupon code in the comments on February 11th, 2022
- LETSWORK211 : Someone shared this coupon code in the comments on February 11th, 2022
- ZIOBOSSRAID : Redeem this coupon code and get x700 Ruby (Expires on February 11th, 2022, Credit; DikaFirmansyah in comments)
- RUN22RUN : Redeem this coupon code and get x500 Stamina (Expires on January 26th, 2022)
- HI2022SMS : Redeem this coupon code and get x400 Ruby (Expires on January 24th, 2022)
- GIFT2022 : Redeem this coupon code and get x300 Ruby (Expires on January 31st, 2021)
- ZIOLAUNCH : Redeem this coupon code and get x500 Ruby (Expires on January 17th, 2021, Credit; DikaFirmansyah in comments)
- GOODBYE2021 : Redeem this coupon code and get x500 Ruby (Expires on January 10th, 2021)
- HERO2021SMS : Redeem this coupon code and get x 300 ruby (Expires on January 19th, 2022)
- HEROHERO : Redeem this coupon code and get X200 Ruby (Expires on November 25th, 2021)(Credit; Anonymous in comments)
- SMS1BDAY : Redeem this coupon code and get X600 Rubies (Expires on November 25th, 2021)(Credit; eiei in comments)
- SPOOKY4U : Redeem this coupon code and get X500 Stamina (Expires on November 21st, 2021)(Credit; eiei in comments)
- BDAYFEATURED : Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Ruby (Expires on November 19th, 2021)
- SMSSEASON : Redeem this coupon code and get x300 Ruby (Expires on October 30th, 2021)
- MYBESTHERO : Redeem this coupon code and get X x300 Ruby (Expires on October 30th, 2021)
- MAINTEN28 : Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Ruby (Expires on November 1st, 2021)
- SMS1STBDAY : Redeem this coupon code and get x10000 Ruby (Expires on October 26th, 2021)
- MAINTENBDAY : Redeem this coupon code and get x300 Ruby (Expires on October 10th, 2021)
- HAPPY1STBDAY : Redeem this coupon code and get X600 Stamina (Expires on October 11th, 2021) (Credit; eiei in comments)
- RAIDNEW927 : Redeem this coupon code and get X 300 Rubies(Expires on October 2nd, 2021)
- BDAYPARTY01 : Redeem this coupon code and get Stamina x600 (Expires on October 12th, 2021)
- LETSWORK106 : Redeem this coupon code and get x500 Ruby (Expires on October 14th, 2021)
- HUEAGENCY : Redeem this coupon code and get X700 Ruby (Expires on October 15th, 2021)
- SWORD365DAY : Redeem this coupon code and get x600 Stamina (Expires on October 14th, 2021, Credit; eiei in comments)
- SWORD1BDAY : Redeem this coupon code and get x600 Stamina (Expires on October 13th, 2021)
- RUNX3TIMES : Redeem this coupon code and get X 500 Stamina(Expires on October 4th, 2021, Credit; Ultor in comments)
- HELLOAIRI : Redeem this coupon code and get X 300 Rubies(Expires on October 5th, 2021)
- HAPPYFRIDAY : Redeem this coupon code and get X 700 Rubies(Expires on October 1st, 2021)
- BIKINIAIRI : Redeem this coupon code and get X 300 Rubies(Expires on September 30, 2021)
- MAINTEN0920 : Redeem this coupon code and get X 300 Rubies(Expires on September 25, 2021)
- KANABIKINI : Redeem this coupon code and get X 500 Stamina(Expires on September 21st, 2021)
- NEWARES : Redeem this coupon code and get X 300 Rubies(Expires on September 18th, 2021)
- STA4THESEUS : Redeem this coupon code and get X Rubies(Expires on September 2nd, 2021)
- HELLOAUTUMN : Redeem this coupon code and get X 700 Rubies(Expires on September 24th, 2021, Credit; Ultor in comments)
- HELLOSEPT : Redeem this coupon code and get X 300 Rubies(Expires on September 17th, 2021)
- TOTEMCHEST : Redeem this coupon code and get X Rubies(Expires on August 27, 2021)
- WHOA2QUIZ : Redeem this coupon code and get X 300 Rubies(Expires on August 25, 2021, Credit; Ultor in comments)
- PLAY247 : Redeem this coupon code and get X Rubies(Expires on August 23, 2021)
- LUCIOXXQUIZ : Redeem this coupon code and get X 300 Rubies(Expires on August 11th, 2021, Credit; Ultor in comments)
- HOTSUMMER : Redeem this coupon code and get X Rubies(Expires on August 20th, 2021, Credit; Newbie in comments)
- THESEUSHERE : Redeem this coupon code and get X500 Rubies(Credit; Rage in comments, Expires on August 12, 2021, added on July 15, 2021
- SUMMERYUI : Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Expires on August 11, 2021, Credit; Rising Rush in the comments)
- SPYT13000 : Redeem this coupon code and get X400 Rubies(Credit; eiei in comments, Expires on August 5, 2021, added on July 15, 2021)
- RECONNECT729 : Redeem this coupon code and get X Rubies(Expires on August 2, 2021, Credit; Ultor in comments)
- MAIN0729TEN : Redeem this coupon code and get X Rubies(Expires on August 1st, 2021, Credit; Ultor in comments)
- IDLEBDAY : Redeem this coupon code and get X700 Rubies(Expires on July 31, 2021, added on July 23, 2021)
- SUNNYGIFT : Redeem this coupon code and get X500 Stamina(Expires on July 28, 2021, added on July 19, 2021)
- WATERMELON : Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Credit; Rising Rush in comments, Expires on July 26, 2021, added on July 7, 2021)
- GREENGREEN : Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Credit; Unsusteinable in comments, Expires on July 26, 2021, added on July 7, 2021)
- MAINTEN0722 : Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Expires on July 25, 2021, added on July 19, 2021)
- LUCIDHORROR : Redeem this coupon code and get X700 Rubies(Expires on July 17, 2021, added on July 9, 2021)
- GOGUILDGO : Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Expires on July 14, 2021)
- MAINTEN0713 : Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Credit; kilocroco in comments, Expires on July 15, 2021, added on July 13, 2021
- SMSSUMMER : Redeem this coupon code and get X700 Rubies(Expires on July 10, 2021, added on July 2nd, 2021)
- JUNEFEATURE : Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Expires on July 7th, 2021, Credit; Rage and Rilby in comments)
- STANURHERO : Redeem this coupon code and get X400 Rubies(Expires on July 5th, 2021, Credit; Rising Rush in the comments)
- BUNNYBUNNY : Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Credit; KamiYato in comments on June 16, 2021, expires on July 6th, 2021)
- SCARYFACE : Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies. Valid until June 28, 2021.
- TGIFSPLANET : Redeem this coupon code and get X700 Rubies(Expires on July 3, 2021)
- MAIN0618TEN : Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Expires on June 21s, 2021)
- ROSIEPACK : Redeem this coupon code and get X700 Stamina(Credit; KamiYato in comments on June 16, 2021, expires on June 25, 2021)
- ROSIE0615 : Redeem this coupon code and get X700 Rubies. Valid until June 25, 2021.
- THANKU35 : Redeem this coupon code and get X450 Rubies. Valid until June 23, 2021.
- JUNE2BQUIZ : Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies. Valid until June 23, 2021.
- HERETHEYARE : Redeem this coupon code and get X700 Rubies. Valid until June 12, 2021.
- UTHEBEST : Redeem this coupon code and get X450 Ruby (Valid until June 10th, 2021)
- YUNGYUNG : Redeem this coupon code and get X500 Stamina. Valid until June 5, 2021.
- OURNEWHERO : Redeem this coupon code and get X500 Rubies. Valid until June 4, 2021.
- MASTERGIFT : Redeem this coupon code and get X500 Rubies. Valid until June 4, 2021.
- WIZ : Redeem this coupon code and get X500 Stamina. Valid until June 2, 2021.
- MILLIONDAY : Redeem this coupon code and get X500 Rubies (Valid until June 3rd, 2021) (NEW)
- DARKNESS : Redeem this coupon code and get X500 Stamina (Valid until June 1st, 2021) (NEW)
- BESTUSERS : Redeem this coupon code and get X500 Ruby (Valid until June 2nd, 2021)
- MEGUMIN : Redeem this coupon code and get X500 Stamina (Valid until May 31st, 2021)
- TWOMILLION : Redeem this coupon code and get X500 Ruby (Valid until June 1st, 2021)
- THXUALL – Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Ruby (Valid until June 2nd, 2021)
- KAZUMA – Redeem this coupon code and get X500 Stamina (Valid until May 29th, 2021)
- AQUA – Redeem this coupon code and get X500 Stamina (Valid until May 30th, 2021)
- SMSFG3000 – Redeem this coupon code and get X200 Rubies(Added on May 21, 2021, Credit; Phoenix in comments)
- INTOTHEABYSS – Redeem this coupon code and get X700 rubies(Added on May 21, 2021. Valid until May 28, 2021)
- SMSCHOCOLATE – Redeem this coupon code and get X200 Rubies(Added on May 18, 2021)
- SMSMRWENDY – Redeem this coupon code and get X200 Rubies(Added on May 18, 2021, Credit; Rage in comments)
- THX4LOVE – Redeem this coupon code and get X450 Rubies(Added on May 17, 2021, Expires on May 30, 2021, Credit; Rage in comments)
- ILY10000 – Redeem this coupon code and get X700 Rubies(Expires on May 25, 2021)
- STANSPLANET – Redeem this coupon code and get X400 Rubies(Expires on May 25, 2021)
- SMSGCAOTHU – Redeem this coupon code and get X200 Rubies(Added on May 15, 2021, Credit; BAODEPZAI in comments)
- COLLABUPDATE – Redeem this coupon code and get X501 Rubies(Added on May 09, 2021, Credit: Anonymous in comments)
- Bestuser – Redeem this coupon code and get X200 rubies(Expires on May 23, 2021, Credit: David in comments)
- Bestgift – Redeem this coupon code and get X2000 stamina(Expires on May 23, 2021, Credit: David in comments)
- EHTBIGNEWS – Redeem this coupon code and get X700 Rubies(Added on May 14, 2021, Expires on May 21, 2021)
- KONORUBY – Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Added on May 16, 2021, Expires on May 20, 2021)
- SUBASTA – Redeem this coupon code and get X500 Stamina(Added on May 16, 2021, Expires on May 20, 2021)
- FIGHT4YOU – Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Added on May 17, 2021, Expires on May 20, 2021)
- Googlestar – Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Expires on May 17, 2021, Credit: David in comments)
- SMSKONOSUBA – Redeem this coupon code and get X700 Rubies(Expires on May 14, 2021)
- MAINTEN0510 – Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Added on May 16, 2021, Expires on May 15, 2021)
- APPLESTAR – Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Added on May 16, 2021, Expires on May 16, 2021)
- MAINTEN0504 – Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Expires on May 10, 2021)
- LETSWORK – Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Expires on May 10, 2021)
- SMSBIGEVENT – Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Expires on May 7, 2021)
- SUPER9000 – Redeem this coupon code and get X400 Rubies(Expires on May 6, 2021)
- RUNRUNRUN – Redeem this coupon code and get X500 Stamina(Expires on May 6, 2021)
- COMINGSOON2 – Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Expires on May 1, 2021)
- HALFEVENTRUN – Redeem this coupon code and get X1000 Stamina(Expires on May 4, 2021)
- HALFANNI – Redeem this coupon code and get X800 Rubies (Expires on May 3, 2021)
- BESTCOOLTIP – Redeem this coupon code and get x600 Rubies(Expires on April 30, 2021)
- WHATISNEXT – Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Expires on April 30, 2021)
- CONGRATSSMS – Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Expires on April 23, 2021)
- RUNHARD – Redeem this coupon code and get X500 Stamina(Expires on April 20, 2021)
- IAMARES – Redeem this coupon code and get X600 Rubies(Expires on April 12, 2021)
- RUNRUN – Redeem this coupon code and get X500 Rubies(Expires on April 12, 2021)
- ODINNEW – Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Expires on April 7, 2021)
- Applevietnam – Redeem this coupon code and get X300 rubies(Expires on March 31, 2021, Credits: David in comments)
- WELOVERPG – Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Expires on April 5, 2021)
- HAPPYATHENA – Redeem this coupon code and get X500 Rubies(Expires on April 6, 2021)
- APRIL4 – Redeem this coupon code and get x4 Rubies(Expires on April 10, 2021)
- FOOL1– Redeem this coupon code and get x1 Stamina(Expires on April 10, 2021)
- LETSGO – Redeem this coupon code and get X200 Rubies (Expires on April 11, 2021)
- MAINTEN0405 – Redeem this coupon code and get x100 Rubies(Expires on April 10, 2021)
- BYELABYRINTH – Redeem this coupon code and get X500 Stamina(Expires on April 2, 2021)
- PIXELGAME – Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Expires on April 2, 2021)
- EHT1STBDAY – Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Expires on March 26, 2021)
- GOX5TIME – Redeem this coupon code and get x200 rubies(Expires on March 22, 2021)
- XINCAMON – Redeem this coupon code and get x300 rubies(Expires on March 21, 2021)
- EHTBIGUPDATE – Redeem this coupon code and get x300 rubies(Expires on March 19, 2021)
- SCARLET – Redeem this coupon code and get x300 rubies(Expires on March 18, 2021)
- WHOWHOBG – Redeem this coupon code and get X300 rubies(Expires on March 3, 2021)
- GRATEFUL16 – Redeem this coupon code and get X1300 stamina(Expires on March 2, 2021)
- WOW16000 – Redeem this coupon code and get X300 rubies(Expires on March 2, 2021)
- MOONMOON – Redeem this coupon code and get X500 rubies(Expires on March 2, 2021)
- THXAGAIN – Redeem this coupon code and get x300 rubies(Expires on February 28, 2021)
- GO20000 – Redeem this coupon code and get the reward (Expires on February 28th, 2021)
- YES14000 – Redeem this coupon code and get the reward (Expires on February 28th, 2021)
- Lunarsword – Redeem this coupon code and get Rubies(Expires on February 28, 2021)
- LUNAR2021 – Redeem this coupon code and get x300 rubies(Expires on February 27, 2021)
- WISHULUCK – Redeem this coupon code and get x1000 stamina(Expires on February 27, 2021)
- CAINCOSTUME – Redeem this coupon code and get x300 rubies(Expires on February 27, 2021)
- STRONG – Redeem this coupon code and get X300 rubies(Expires on February 25, 2021)
- NEWCOSTUME – Redeem this coupon code and get x600 rubies(Feb 22, 2021)
- HELLO2021 – Redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Expires on February 19, 2021)
- applemain – Redeem this coupon code and get X5000 Rubies(Expires on February 15, 2021)
- YESMILLION – Redeem this coupon code and get the reward (Expires on February 10th, 2021)
- GO10MILLION – Redeem this coupon code and get the reward (Expires on February 10th, 2021)
- LUNARNEWYEAR – redeem this coupon code and get Rubies(Expires on February 12, 2021)
- youtubeb – redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(February 9, 2021. Credit: Sihirdora)
- FIVE555 – redeem this coupon code and get X5000 Rubies(Expires on February 8, 2021)
- STOREMAIN – redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(Expires on February 8, 2021)
- ILOVERUBY – redeem this coupon code and get X5000 Rubies(Expires on February 4, 2021)
- KANAKANA – Redeem this coupon code and get X5000 Rubies(Expires on February 3, 2021)
- ANGEL4YOU – redeem this coupon code and get X700 Rubies(February 5, 2021)
- UPUPDATE – redeem this coupon code and get X500 Stamina(February 5, 2021)
- Takekana – redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(February 5, 2021. Credit: Sihirdora)
- Secondgift – Redeem this coupon code and get X5000 Rubies(Expires on February 2, 2021)
- GOUPDATE – redeem this coupon code and get X5000 Stamina(Credit: Sihirdora in comments – February 1, 2021)
- LUCK2021 – redeem this coupon code and get X1000 Stamina(February 1, 2021)
- slash – Redeem this coupon code and get x300 rubies(NEW Code. Credit: Wissh in the comment box)
- FIREPLACE – redeem this coupon code and get X300 Rubies(January 25, 2021)
- NEWGAME – redeem this coupon code and get X700 rubies(January 22, ‘2021)
- XMASYUI – claim this coupon code and get X600 Rubies(Expires on January 18, 2021)
- GOAGAIN – claim this coupon code and get x200 rubies
- farewell20 – claim this coupon code for 700 rubies (Credit: Rimuru in the comment box)
- WELCOME2021 – claim this coupon code for 2021 stamina(Credit: Rimuru in the comment box)
- NEWYEAR2021 – Redeem this coupon code and get 1K stamina(ExpiredCODE)
- HAPPY2021 – Redeem this coupon code and get x600 rubies(ExpiredCODE)
- adios2020 – claim this coupon code for 400 rubies -Expired (Credit: Wissh and Rimuru in the comment box)
- santayuigift – Redeem this coupon code and get x300 rubies(Expired) Code. Credit: Wissh in the comment box)
- Surprise – Redeem this coupon code and get x500 rubies(Expired) Code. Credit: Rimuru in the comment box)
- Gift4u – Redeem this coupon code and get x1K rubies((Expired) Code. Credit: Rimuru in the comment box)
- MERRYXMAS20 – Redeem this coupon code and get x700 rubies(Expired)
- Discord13 – Redeem this coupon code and get rewards(Expired)
- INFINITE – Redeem this coupon code and get x300 rubies(Expired)
- AINA300 – Redeem this coupon code and get x300 rubies(Expired)
- xmas1225 – Redeem this coupon code and get x300 rubies(Credit: Wissh in the comment box below, update;Expired)
- Daemondeck – Redeem this coupon code and get x300 rubies(Expired)
- Cayron – Redeem this coupon code and get x300 rubies(Expired)
- TAKELORD – Redeem this coupon code and get 600 rubies(Expired)
- BFGIFT – Redeem this coupon code and get 600 rubies(Expired)
- FIXFIX – Redeem this coupon code and get x100 rubies(Expired)
- HOUSEWARMING – Redeem this coupon code and get x700 rubies(Expired)
- SCROLL3 – Redeem this coupon code and get 1K stamina(Expired)
- EHTIDLELUCID – Redeem this coupon code and get x700 rubies(Expired)
- CROSSPROMO – Redeem this coupon code and get 700 rubies(Expired)
- SORRY – Redeem coupon code and get the rewards(Expired)
- TOWERA – Redeem this coupon code and get 300 rubies(Expired)
- THX12000 – New coupon code that grants stamina(Expired)
- SK1ALH2LH – Redeem this coupon code and get 500 rubies(Expired)
- PUMPKINLOVE – Redeem coupon code and get the rewards(Expired)
- LOVEALLYOUU – New coupon code that grants x800 rubies(Expired)
- TRICKORTREAT – Use this coupon code for x700 rubies(Expired)
- HALLOWEEN – claim this new coupon code for 300 rubies(Expired)
- COOLTIPS – New coupon code that grants rubies(Expired)
- GIFT1111DAY – New coupon code that gives stamina(Expired)
- SCHOOL – Redeem this coupon code and get 500 stamina(Expired)
- NEWCONTENTS – Redeem this coupon code and get 500 rubies(Expired)
- EHTUPDATE – Redeem coupon code and get the rewards(Expired)
- HUNTERUPDATE – Use this coupon code for x700 rubies(Expired)
- Minotaurs – claim this coupon code for rubies or stamina(Expired)
- APPLETHX – redeem this coupon code for x300 rubies(Expired)
- PREHALLOWEEN – claim this Sword Master Story coupon code(Expired)
- MAINTEN1104 – Use this coupon code for x100 rubies(Expired)
- WAITINGSTORE – claim this new coupon code for 300 rubies(EXPIRED)
- GREETING – claim this coupon code for 900 rubies(EXPIRED)
- BESTRONG – get 600 rubies with this code(EXPIRED)
- 10KFOLLOWERS – claim this coupon code and get x700 rubies(EXPIRED)
- Thankyou – claim this coupon code for rubies or stamina(EXPIRED)
- Goodjob – claim this coupon code for rubies or stamina(EXPIRED)
- thxapple – claim this coupon code for rubies or stamina(EXPIRED)
- RUOK – claim this coupon code for rubies or stamina(expired)
- Sms2ndweek – claim this coupon code for rubies or stamina(Expired)
- THENWORK – claim this coupon code for rubies or stamina(expired)
- PLAYHARD – claim this coupon code for rubies or stamina(expired)
- HEREWEGO – claim this coupon code for rubies or stamina(expired)
- server – claim this coupon code for rubies or stamina(expired)
- cheerup – claim this coupon code for rubies or stamina(expired)
- Midnight – claim this coupon code for rubies or stamina(expired)
- Scary – claim this coupon code for rubies or stamina(expired)
- SMSUPDATE – Redeem this coupon code and get 700 rubies(Expired)
Info: usually, the Sword Mastery Story coupon code gives free stamina or rubies. Stamina can be used to play the game and rubies can be used to summon the characters.
How To Redeem Sword Master Story Coupon Codes?
To redeem the Sword Master Story coupon codes, follow these steps: Step 1.) tap the menu button. It’s in the top-right corner. Step 2.) After tapping the menu button, on the left side, look for the “coupon” option. Tap it. Step 3,) Enter the coupon code. Step 4.) Tap the confirm button to redeem the Sword Master Story coupon code!
Sword Master Story Reroll Guide(Do not use codes while rerolling – use codes when you are ready to progress)⇓
To reroll in the Sword Master Story game, please follow the below steps: –
Reroll Step 1.) Complete the tutorial first.
Reroll Step 2.) After completing the tutorial, check the mailbox. The mailbox is on the top-right side of the game screen. It should contain a 5-star ticket.
Reroll Step 3.) Go to the summon screen portal. Choose 5 star summon option. Spend the 5-star ticket.
Reroll Step 4.) Try the above-listed coupon codes; you may get free rubies.
Reroll Step 5.) Spend all rubies in character summon; x11 draw costs 2.7K rubies. You can complete the quests or stages and accumulate rubies or just go with individual summon.
Reroll Step 6.) If, from the summons, you get the top-tier 5-star character like Yui, etc.(check the tier list here), continue playing the game.
Reroll Step 7.) If, from the summon, you didn’t get the top-tier 5-star character, go to the menu. Tap the menu button; it’s in the upper-right corner. Tap the “reset” option on the left side to reset current progress and start over. It would only work if you are on level 10. Alternatively, you can choose to log in as a guest in the beginning. To reroll, clear the game’s data in the mobile settings. Or log out from the current account and login with another ID. Go to menu -> log out from the game -> log in with another ID to start from scratch.
Also, see – Sword Master Story tier list
So this would be all in this article on Sword Master Story coupon code and Sword Master Story reroll guide. Got any more coupon codes? Share it in the comments below!
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